Tips for Finding a Wife in Islam Using Islamic matrimonial sites

Tips for Finding a Wife in Islam Using Islamic matrimonial sites


Islamic matrimonial sites are one of the best places for finding a wife in Islam. The reason being, that Islamic matrimonial sites provide matrimonial services in compliance with the Islamic Sharia standards with proper guidelines and services pertaining to proper way of conduct between women and men. So, here you made a smart choice of opting for Islamic matrimonial sites for finding a wife in Islam.

So now, you want to start your journey and looking for the ways for finding a wife in Islam using Islamic matrimonial sites?

Here are some tips for you for finding a Muslim wife:

  • The “Golden Rule”: As told by our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), in the famous hadith:

“Women may be married for four things: their wealth, their lineage, their beauty and their religious commitment. Choose the one who is religiously-committed, may your hands be rubbed with dust (i.e., may you prosper).” [Narrated by al-Bukhaari (5090), Muslim (1466)]

This hadith makes it clear here that the first and foremost quality to look for while finding a wife in Islam is to seek a righteous wife who is religiously committed.

  • Make Dua: The most important thing is to make du’a to Allah, the Almighty, to guide and assist you to what is best for you in this life and hereafter. Our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) taught us to offer Salatul Istikhara in order to seek the help of Allah in making any decision.
  • Keep It Halal: The blessings of Allah Subhana wa ta’ala only comes in Halal things not Haram. So make sure to keep your search of finding a wife in Islam, Halal. Always try to involve your family for better transparency.

We hope that the above tips will benefit you in your search of finding a wife in Islam. We pray that may Allah, the Almighty, make it easy for you and bless you with a righteous spouse who becomes the coolness of your eyes. Aameen.


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