What is the important event in Islam?

What is the important event in Islam?

Nikah is the most important event in Islam. An Arabic word, as per Islamic law, the word “Nikah” is a legal term that binds both husband and wife in marriage. It is a legal agreement between the bride and the groom.

The Prophet (S.A.W.W) said, “The Nikkah is my Sunnah”.

It means that it is a religious ceremony and necessary to perform because it is Sunnat e Rasool (S.A.W.W.).

Requirements for Nikah

Here are some of the necessary requirements to do Nikah.
  • Bride and groom should agree to marry
  • Qazi
  • Nikah Nama
  • Mehr
  • Bride's Legal Guardian
  • Two Adult Witnesses
  • Khutba tun Nikah

Mutual Agreement for Nikah

Mutual agreement of bride and groom is very necessary for Nikah. No one can marry each other forcefully. Allah said that believers should not marry women forcefully.

“O you who believe!! You are not permitted to inherit women by force.” (Al-Quran 4:19)

This verse clearly clarifies that mutual agreement is a must for Nikah.

Equal rights for groom and bride

It is a revocable agreement which means that the husband can divorce his wife. Islam gives equal rights to man and woman. If a woman wants a divorce from her husband, it is called Khola in Islamic law.

Procedure of Nikah

Nikah usually takes place in a Mosque and Imam makes the Nikah official. Some people arrange a big Nikah ceremony and invite family and friends to attend the Nikah. Imam asks both the willingness to which the bride and groom say “Qubool” i.e. “I do”!!!

Both sign the marriage contract that is called Nikah Nama. This Nikah Nama is recorded with the Mosque and registered with the local government. As per the Islamic perspective, Nikah is supposed to be as simple as possible.

The Prophet (P.B.U.H) said: “The best wedding is that upon which the least trouble and expense is bestowed.” (Mishkat)

The Hadith clearly states that Nikah should be affordable so the bride’s family can easily arrange the ceremony.

What is Mehr and why is it necessary?

Mehr is the mandatory part of Nikah. The groom gives Mehr as a commitment to his wife. A Mehr can be money or property.

As per Quran, “O Prophet, We have made permissible for you the wives whose dower you have paid.” {33:5}.

Prophet (S.A.W.W) said the husband should pay Mehr to his wife. The Nikah is not valid without Mehr.

“And give the women their dowries as a free gift, but if they offer you any of it, accept it with happiness and with pleasure.” [Quran 4:4}.

Groom can give Mehr at any time of the Nikah or later as decided before the Nikah.

Valima ceremony

In Islam, after the Nikah, the Valima ceremony is performed which is mandatory. Valima means to assemble where the bride and groom invite their families and friends. Celebrating the Valima ceremony is the Sunnat e Rasool (P.B.U.H.). The Hadith tells the importance of Valima after Nikah.

Sayyiduna Anas ibn Malik (R.A) recounts that the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H) has seen a yellow mark on Abdur Rahman ibn Awf (R.A) and he has said: "What is this?"

Abdur Rahman ibn Awf (R.A) replied: "I have married a woman with the dowry being gold to the weight of a date-stone.”

Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) said: "May Allah bless you (in your NIkah). Perform a Valima, even if it is only with a goat." [Bukhari]

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